worse once said can never be taken back , words can hurt more then a sword when it hits the heart the pain wont stop, what what you say it can break some one, cute some one and shatter a soul.
Words have the ability to take a life, once said it it can get out of control .
A fragile heart easily broken by words left said and even those unsaid, when it hurts so much some times it looks like there no other way out ..
Hurt and pain, not on the outside you can seem calm and steady inside the pain is cutting and creaking into your very being, why are this words said ? so careless not knowing that they can leave insufferable damage ?
Heat of the moment can cost some ones life, or their soul, leave them broken and unwilling. built up anger and frustration the words of boiling up can be the cause of tears in the dark..
Think before you let words slip.
3 things you can never take back :
3 thinks that you should never break :
A promise
A heart
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