Thursday, April 26, 2012

work in progress

Reading is a passion, i think  every one has a passion  whats yours?
for me its  reading, writing and  animals...

Well i am currently working on 3 books  i know i am taking one at a time, but 3 have been plotted out.

1. The bet (a Romantic Drama)
2. Saving your angel (Fantasy Romance)
3. Leader of the pack ( a thoughtful romance)

What i am currently  Vampire Dairies By L.J smith  and  a mills an boon book
 ( yes it is in deed my guilty pleasure) 

I feel at ease with the world when i create a story of my own,  the troubles of life disappear and a new world is created aorund my words and feelings, when  you create something yourself it is just that much more satisfying-
I tend to get lost  in the world of books ... some times I wounder will i ever be found?

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